Cognitive Computing
We develop cognitive systems that help you collect and analyze unstructured data. Our cloud-based technology provides effective algorithms that enable your company to process complex events, interpret big data, and predict future outcomes of business processes. Our toolchain comprises natural language understanding, logic-based inference, uncertainty reasoning, and automated planning and scheduling.
Business Intelligence
Businesses produce large amounts of structured data that come from various sources. In order to stay competitive, these data need to be analyzed, visualized, and used in strategic decision making. Simple reporting might rely on relational databases that provide structured data for tables and graphs. However, the inherent complexity of business processes calls for more sophisticated techniques. Our software tools cover the following domains:
Reasoning. Simple reasoning on formal logical grounds can be carried out by database query engines. However when recursivity, explicit negation, and uncertainty come into play, a more powerful inference engine is necessary. Forward-chaining, backward-chaining, decision tables, and decision trees are the most common techniques we have implemented.
Uncertainty. Causality in business processes can rarely be described in an exact way, since the relations relevant to business intelligence are fuzzy, incomplete, or clouded by interdependent, partially interpreted observations. Probabilistic models, such as Markov transition graphs, Bayesian networks, and weighted abduction implemented by us can be used to infer clear, structured facts from a vast amount of loosely coupled pieces of knowledge.
Stochastics. Much of the data used in business processes is numeric. Various analyses, summaries, and calculations performed by our software use probabilistic and statistical methods in order to present, arrange, and predict data, processes, and events.
Forecasting. Predicting outcomes of events that have not yet been observed requires precise data and sound formal methods. The methods used in uncertainty reasoning and stochastics can help managers in decision making by recognizing and describing future trends and states.
Codesign, s.r.o. | Czech Republic | (+420) 777 830 830 |